Thursday, October 18, 2007

Evidence of Jesus Crucification.

Jesus Christ fulfilled Prophecy!

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ has been documented, by historians and writers of the New Testament, the Talmud b Sanhedrin, and prophesied in the Old Testament. Jesus’ death on the cross was the infinite Sin Offering; the only offering that could atone for our sins.

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was a true event, and this is significant because Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Most Christians call God "Father." However, there are many who do not believe in the crucifixion of Jesus, such as the Muslims. They believe someone other than Jesus was crucified.

The Quran, Chapter 4:157-158 says:

[4:157] And for claiming that they killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of GOD. In fact, they never killed him, they never crucified him - they were made to think that they did. All factions who are disputing in this matter are full of doubt concerning this issue. They possess no knowledge; they only conjecture. For certain, they never killed him.

[4:158] Instead, GOD raised him to Him; GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.

The Bible says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so man could attain everlasting life.” (John 3:16). That I am aware of; Muhammad did not fulfill prophecy, Jesus did! I will agree with the Muslim's Quran that Jesus was raised from the dead and I can prove that through quantum physics!

The New Testament is a record of the Christian witnesses. Jesus predicted his own crucifixion (Luke 18:31,32). Jesus told his 12 disciples that they were going up to Jerusalem, and that he would be handed over to the Gentiles and that they would mock him, insult him, spit on him, flog him and kill him, as was written by the prophets. Even though Jesus knew what was going to happen to him, he willingly went to the cross for man. He didn’t want to go to the cross; he was very scared. As he sweat bloody tears He prayed,“My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me? Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39). Jesus went to Jerusalem and he was crucified. See here 3 witness testimonies, (Matthew 27:35, Luke 23:33, John 19:18, Acts 2:23).

Isiah 53 prphesies, He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. He was pearced for our transgressions.

The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus wrote in his annals, A.D.64, xv. 44: Christus was executed at the hands of the procurator Pontious Pilate. Pontious Pilate, according to Webster’s dictionary, was the 1st century Roman procurator, who condemned Jesus to be crucified.

This following was written in the Jewish civil and religious law, Talmud, b. Sanhedrin 43a: On the eve of the Passover Yeshu (Jesus) was crucified.

Lets now look at Old Testament Prophesies. I chose this prophecy of David’s explaining the suffering of the coming Messiah, Psalm 22 ” My God, My God why have you forsaken me? I am poured out like water and all of my bones are out of joint: My heart is like wax, for dogs have surrounded me; they pierce my hands & my feet. Deliver me from the sword, save me from the lion’s mouth and from the horns of the wild oxen”(Psalm 22:1-21). Jesus knowingly, willingly did this for us. This prophecy was fulfilled in (Matthew 27:36-44, John 20:25-29.

Psalm 22:18 (Amplified Bible)
They part my clothing among them and cast lots for my raiment (a long, shirtlike garment, a seamless undertunic. Fufilled here in : John 19:23,24. Matthew 27:46 says: 46 About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi,[a] lama sabachthani?"—which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Dr.Jerry Henson, Ph.D., a professor of religion at Eastfield College, could not offer me any evidence that Jesus was not crucified or that Jesus was not the one prophesied by Isaiah or David.

Conclusion: (Hebrews 11:6) says: but without faith, it is impossible to please God. You must have faith. Faith is the unquestioning belief that does not require proof or evidence. However, even if you don’t have faith in the crucifixion of Christ, look at the evidence.

Jesus Christ willingly died on the cross so that we could have everlasting life. He died for us, because he loved his Father and his Father sent him. God sent his son, the ultimate blood sacrifice. Jesus came to fulfill the Law and he did. He set us free! He fufilled the law that allows sinners to be forgiven and enter in to heaven and have eternal life.

Test this evidence based on David Hume’s criteria:
1. Do the witnesses contradict each other? No.
2. Are there a sufficient number of witnesses? Yes.
3. Were the witnesses truthful? There is no evidence found to contradict what they said.
4. Were they non-pre judicial? Christian’s could be called pre-judicial, however, the Roman and Jewish witnesses clearly are not.

Muhammad has never offered any evidence that someone other than Jesus Christ was crucified the way he was that day as prophesied by David and Isiah.

Works Cited:

Babylonian Talmud. New York: Philosophical Library, 1944.
Henson, Jerry. Telephone interview. 16 July 2002.
Holy Bible. New Kings James Version. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991.
Koran. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1909. Chapter 4:157
Taciti, P. Cornelii. The Annals of Tacitus, London: Oxford University Press, 1986. Vol. 2, xv, p.44.
“Pilate, Pontius” Webster’s Fourth College Edition. New York: Webster’s New World Dictionaries, 1990.

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